Covid-19 Safety Plan
We have implemented the following protocols to keep our workers and the public safe:
Daily Health Check in with staff. If workers report any symptoms of illness they are instructed to stay home for 14 days.
Hand wash stations and/or sanitizer at every entrance.
All staff have been given face masks & face shields for work and personal use.
Gloves and additional masks are available to staff.
High contact points are sanitized after every customer and use, this included door handles, counter tops and payment pin pads.
Physical distancing is taken very seriously & signs are posted inside and outside our shop.
There are plexiglass barriers at the front counter.
Customers are to stay on the public side of the counter and are limited to 2 people maximum at a time.
The gift shop side is currently CLOSED to public & will remain so for the time being.
Back entrance is locked with deliveries made outside & social distancing measures and/or masks in place.
Staff room is limited access & bathrooms are cleaned twice a week.
copies of this Safety Plan are posted for staff and public to see inside & outside our building and on our website.